Made in 72 hours for Ludum Dare 49. You're a taxidermy weasel come to life, but for how long? Learn about art by pressing space when you see a yellow arrow above the piece you're near. You'll be challenged to type a message as fast as you can. You can only interact with art at or below your level. 






Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(24 total ratings)
Tags3D, Animals, Cozy, Ludum Dare 49, PSX (PlayStation), Short, Typing
LinksLudum Dare


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(1 edit)

This is so weird I love it. 

Also I like how they say hi again, and hi pal and stuff. 

this game is freakin awesome


Thanks for playing CatsRcute3!

Okay this rules.


brain go brr

Genuinely one of the greatest games I've found on itch. It was really weird and beautiful. I'm curious how the ranking system works?

Ah thank you, glad you enjoyed it!

Ranking is time based, it was all made in 72 hours for a game jam so not very sophisticated. under 3 mins is A! When we released it there was a bit of a competition on twitter haha


(1 edit)

Thanks Lyricsz for playing!!!


Its great! I loved the weasel in the painting haha!

I got level F first try

Thanks for playing and typing! Glad you enjoyed it!

Really enjoyed this and would love to play more typing based games with my little reanimated weasel self. I encountered a bug I think after the first or second frog boss where a little red ball appeared in front of my character (I think this was supposed to remain invisible?)

Really loved it, got rank D, probably could push harder and get higher because my WPM is pretty high but I wasn't really trying. My only critique is you used both UK english and US english spellings at times, which can be confusing when I am typing and have my brain set on a specific spelling (colour v. color for instance.)

Otherwise? Loved it. Could play it for hours

Glad you enjoyed it Klomonx - thanks for the feedback.

The little red ball bug is actually a bit of a debug tool we must have left in unintentionally haha - it shows where the camera is following the player - think there is a key which brings it up but can't remember at the moment.

really great vibes !

Thank you - glad you liked it!

Quite wack and cool

I got F as my first rank

I really enjoyed this game, it was interesting and a cool idea. I was okay in terms of typing. I noticed things I already struggle with and how it affects my speed. I did get stuck in the wall at the red frog, I believe it's level 26 or 30 

(2 edits)

this was a fantastic game!

i enjoyed playing as a taxidermy weaser, trying to talk with various art exhibits, other weasels and with frogs, all the while solving fast typing challenges...

i did all the fast typing challenges perfectly on my first run, and the final one (where you talk to that guy) was definitely the most challenging one, but i defeated him, and i got to the end...

i got rating E.

fantastic game, i would love to see a fully formed game like this, but as a surreal adventure game, (a mystery adventure game), and not just a typing challenge game...

keep up the good work!

this was fun!

Thanks for checking out the game and playing as the weasel!

Game is nice, but world is pitch black

Thanks for highlighting this, we've updated the build to fix this rendering issue (was a change in browser rendering since original publishing)